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  1. By using this website, you consent to the processing described therein and warrant that all data provided by you is accurate.
  2. All private information required for executing the orders placed our Website will be kept in the strictest confidence by us and not sold or made known to third parties, unless you have agreed to it, or unless it is required for the purpose of any judicial process.
  3. As a Customer, you agree that we may also electronically collect, store and use the following information from you: Name and surname, birth date, location, nationality, email address, physical address and mobile number, details regarding all of your purchases, returns, refunds and related activity.
  4. The information detailed above is collected either electronically by using cookies or is provided voluntarily by you.
  5. We own and retain all rights to non-personal general statistical information collected and compiled by us.

You acknowledge and agree that certain personal information (such as your full name, delivery address, email address, contact details etc) may be passed on to the courier company to ensure delivery of the products you have bought and also to PayFast, Bid or Buy and the bankers and credit card companies handling payments being made by you.